Michael J. Casey

Michael J. Casey

Michael J. Casey is CoinDesk's chief content officer. Previously, Casey was the CEO of Streambed Media, a company he cofounded to develop provenance data for digital content. He was also a senior advisor at MIT Media Labs's Digital Currency Initiative and a senior lecturer at MIT Sloan School of Management. Prior to joining MIT, Casey spent 18 years at The Wall Street Journal, where his last position was as a senior columnist covering global economic affairs. Casey has authored five books, including "The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money are Challenging the Global Economic Order" and "The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of Everything," both co-authored with Paul Vigna. Upon joining CoinDesk full time, Casey resigned from a variety of paid advisory positions. He maintains unpaid posts as an advisor to not-for-profit organizations, including MIT Media Lab's Digital Currency Initiative and The Deep Trust Alliance. He is a shareholder and non-executive chairman of Streambed Media. Casey owns bitcoin.



How Blockchains Will Turn Supply Chains Into Demand Chains
The value blockchains offer to supply-chain management will come once other technologies, such as 3D printing, disrupt global manufacturing networks.
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Can Blockchain Save Us from the Internet's Original Sin?
The digital behemoths – Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple – have too much power over our digital lives. Can blockchain help us take back control?
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world, bank
Odd Bedfellows? Blockchain Developers Can Learn to Love the World Bank
Multilateral organizations have more in common with the crypto community than you might think, Michael J. Casey argues.
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rust, bitcoin
Why HODLing Is Hobbling Bitcoin's Prospects as a Common Currency
Bitcoin’s appeal as an investment could diminish its effectiveness as a currency, and alternative models should be tested, writes Michael Casey.
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bridge, construction
Where SAFT Falls Short
Limiting ICOs to accredited investors almost feels like a retreat from the goal of democratizing capital markets, columnist Michael J. Casey writes.
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One Belt, One Road, Chinese strategic investment in the 21st century map. Chinese words on the map are the name such like china, one belt one road, Europe?Africa, Asia, and so on.
It's Political: Why China Hates Bitcoin and Loves the Blockchain
CoinDesk advisor Michael Casey explains China’s recent moves against bitcoin exchanges and ICOs in a wider geopolitical context.
One Belt, One Road, Chinese strategic investment in the 21st century map. Chinese words on the map are the name such like china, one belt one road, Europe?Africa, Asia, and so on.
Credit: Shutterstock
Tokens for Climate Change? How We Can Rise Above ICO Mania
Tokens for climate change? CoinDesk advisor Michael Casey argues it's a question worth taking seriously.
Credit: Shutterstock
Donald Trump
Will Bitcoin Have its Moment in the Trump Era?
Why a Trump presidency might bring about the fall of the dollar, with digital money as its replacement.
Donald Trump
Is Bitcoin Dead? Not the Part that Matters
Michael J Casey provides perspective on how bitcoin can move forward despite a bitter debate over a needed technical feature.
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Bitcoin’s Bold Experiment: A Goldmine for Economic Researchers
Former Wall Street Journal reporter Michael J Casey discusses why economic researchers should be interested in studying the blockchain industry.
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